Tag and Certify
Fire Rate® Supply & Install Fire Door and Frame Compliance Tags & Certification with every installation across Sydney's CBD.
Your new secure fire door(s) and frames include compliance tags and certification for your building’s records. Fire Rate only tag fire doors and/or frames if they have been supplied and installed correctly in accordance with Australian Standard 1905.1.
New fire door replacements to existing frames or with new steel frames, there may be an issue with the floor levels from when the door is closed to fully open. The fire door must be free of the floor throughout the full door swing.
If the floors are different levels and the gap at the base of the fire door is greater than 10mm. A threshold or flooring expert must be engaged to address the different levels to ensure the fire door can fully open and self close without catching on the floor and in the closed/latched position. Have a gap no greater than 10mm.
Fire Rate can only offer an aluminium fire door approved threshold plate This threshold plate can only be fitted to a concrete floor. We are limited to this product and recommend engaging a flooring expert to resole if your floor are out of level and differ in heights, that cause larger gaps at the base of the door.
Existing Doors
- Door Manufacturer
- Year of manufacturing
- Internal Core Sponsor
- Correct hardware
Existing Frames
- Frame Manufacturer
- Year of manufacturing
- Is the frame correctly backfilled
- Wall fire Rating level information
Floor leveling, Tiles, Thresholds, carpet removal or added carpet underlay, floating floor adjustments or other, raised or tiled thresholds supplied and installed by others! Fire Rate are not liable for this issue and it must be addressed for compliance.
If existing fire doors or frames are missing tags, Fire Rate cannot assist with new tags. We can only issue compliance tags to new fire doors and frames supplied and installed by us.
Our Fire Rating tags for new fire doors and frames are from 1hour to 4 hour (-/60/30) – (-/240/30) rating(s).

About Fire Door & Frame Compliance Tags & Requirements
If tags are missing from your fire door(s), Fire Rate® can offer an inspection service to ensure the door(s) or frame(s) are fire compliant & issue a certification certificate, but Fire Rate® cannot re-tag any existing fire doors or frames. We can only offer a competitive replacement service.
The information on the tags informs the history of the fire door. It advises the door/frame manufacturer, Year made and the door internal core. It will also show the certifier and that the door complies to the Australian Fire door & fire door frame standards. This Standard of performance should be in accordance with AS1905 Part 1. If your building has this information, contact the door/frame manufacturer to get an email approval that they made the product(s), year made and installed, Plus the internal door core type and steel frame thickness. Fire Rate can then carry out an inspection of the door/frame and issue compliance tags if found that the fire door and/or frame is installed correctly, with compliant door hardware and found to be in correct working order.
If you cannot get this confirmation from the door/frame manufacturer, then unfortunately Fire Rate® can only offer a competitive new fire door and/or fire door frame upgrade service with new compliance tags.
Enquire about our Fire Door Certification & Tagging Services
Fire Rate® issue Fire Door and Frame Compliance Tags & Certification Certificates with every new fire door installed and or repairs and upgrades for compliance.
Charles Burns
Charles BurnsNeil R Clarke
Neil R ClarkeStandard requirements for Residential & Commercial properties
Under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (EP & A Reg.), owners of buildings have a legal obligation to supply the local council and the Commissioner of the NSW Fire Brigades with a copy of the current Fire Safety Statement listing the fire safety measures applicable to their building and the Performance Standard relative to each.
A copy of the Fire Safety Statement must be supplied as soon as possible after being issued to the owner. Together with copies of certificates and statements, owners must also supply the Commissioner with a copy of the current Fire Safety Schedule issued to the owner by the consent authority specifying the fire safety measures that should be implemented in the building premises. A copy of the Fire Safety Statement together with a copy of the current fire safety schedule must be prominently displayed in the building.
The owner of a building, to which an essential fire safety measure is applicable by virtue of a Fire Safety Schedule, must not fail to maintain each essential fire safety measure in the building premises. The Commissioner (NSW Fire Brigades) has an obligation under the E P & A Reg. to accept copies of completed Certificates and Statements together with copies of current Fire Safety Schedules.
Owners and agents are responsible for the accuracy of details on the form and must sign the form. However, without supporting evidence compiled by a properly qualified competent person, it may be that the signatory leaves himself or herself open to challenge.
Fire Door Tagging & Certification FAQ's
Here are some frequently asked questions about fire door Tagging & Certification services
What is fire door certification and tagging?
Fire door certification and tagging is the process of verifying that a fire door meets the relevant safety standards and regulations. This involves inspecting the door’s components, such as the frame, hinges, seals, and other hardware, to ensure that they are in good condition and functioning properly. Once the inspection is complete, a certification tag is attached to the door and/or frame to indicate that it has been inspected and certified.
What information is on a fire door tag?
Fire door tags advise: Who made the door/frame, what year the door/frame was manufactured, what FRL -( Fire Rate Level) the door is - 1hour (-/60/30), 2hour (-/120/30) or more. The contact details of the manufacturer and who certified the door/frame. Best to find out who made the door/frame and see if they have the record on file to issue tags. All fire door and frame tags should be issued with the installation.
What happens if a fire door fails inspection?
If a fire door fails inspection, it must be repaired or replaced as soon as possible to ensure that it is effective in preventing the spread of fire and smoke.
Who can perform fire door certification and tagging?
Fire door certification and tagging should only be carried out by a qualified technician who has experience working with fire doors. Attempting to certify or tag your own fire doors can be dangerous and may result in non-compliance with safety regulations.
What is involved in fire door certification and tagging?
Fire door certification and tagging involves inspecting all of the components of a fire door to ensure that they are in good condition and functioning properly. Any necessary repairs or replacements should be carried out at this time. Once the inspection is complete, a certification tag is attached to the door/frame to indicate that it has been inspected and certified.
Supply Only, Fire Door Inspections, Repairs, New Installations & Certifications.
Please fill in your fire door needs below or call us: 8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday: 1300 850 960.